Large-scale composting of solid organic residues
Composting is a process of aerobic decomposition of
organic matter by means of microorganisms and fungi, to obtain compost that is
a natural fertilizer. During the composting process, it produces carbon
dioxide, water, minerals, compost and also heat, which can destroy pathogens.
This transformation is carried out in any place under controlled conditions,
since it does not require any mechanism, engine or maintenance, only a
composter is necessary.
This process contributes to
the reduction of the amount of garbage that they bring to landfills or to the
recovery plants. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the consumption of chemical
fertilizers, as it promotes natural fertilization. Of each 100 kg of organic
waste 30 kg of compost are obtained.
At home, of the total garbage, 40% is organic matter, which can be recycled and returned to the soil in the form of humus for plants and crops. It should also be noted that domestic composting emits 5 times less greenhouse gases, compared to industrial composting, for the same organic matter.
With regard to large-scale
composting, in the early 1990s, most public officials and businessmen saw the
remnants of food as a problem. But, at present, this problem becomes
environmental benefits.
A large fraction of the waste
stream consists of organic residuals that can be turned from a waste into a
useful soil amendment through composting. CWMI* addresses a broad range of
residuals including manure, yard and food wastes, and mortalities and a wide
array of audiences including households, schools, farms, municipalities and
private entities.
*CWMI: Composite water
management index
Microorganisms such as
bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes account for most of the decomposition that
takes place in a pile. They are considered chemical decomposers, because they
change the chemistry of organic wastes. The larger decomposers, or
macroorganisms, in a compost pile include mites, centipedes, sow bugs... They
bite and transform materials into smaller pieces. Of all these organisms,
aerobic bacteria are the most important decomposers. They are very abundant;
there may be millions in a gram of soil or decaying organic matter. They are the most nutritionally diverse of
all organisms and can eat nearly anything (Friend, M et al, 2018).
Bacteria utilize carbon as a
source of energy and nitrogen to build protein in their bodies. They obtain
energy by oxidizing organic material, especially the carbon fraction. This
oxidation process heats up the compost pile from ambient air temperature.
This bacteria are poor of
complexity, and they can not survive when environment is unfavourable (changes
in oxygen, moisture, temperature, and acidity). Aerobic bacteria need oxygen
levels greater than five percent. They produce the most rapid and effective
composting. They also excrete plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and
magnesium. But when oxygen levels fall below five percent, the aerobes die and
decomposition is done by anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria reduce the process
velocity and sometime produce toxic.
There are different types of
aerobic bacteria that work in composting piles. Their populations will vary
according to the pile temperature. Psychrophilic bacteria work in the lowest
temperature range (less 20ºC). They give off a small amount of heat which help
to build the pile temperature to the point where mesophilic bacteria, start to
take over.
Mesophilic bacteria rapidly
decompose organic matter, producing acids, carbon dioxide and heat. Their
working temperature range is generally between 12 ºC to 45 ºC. When the pile
temperature rises above 45 ºC, the mesophilic bacteria begin to die off or move
to the outer part of the heap. They are replaced by thermophilic bacteria.
Thermophilic bacteria continue
the decomposition process, raising the pile temperature to 70ºC, where it
usually stabilizes. High temperatures typically last no more than three to five
days. As the thermophilic bacteria decline and the temperature of the pile
gradually cools off, the mesophilic bacteria again become dominant. The
mesophilic bacteria consume remaining organic material with the help of other
Figure 1: Composting phases
according to temperature
2.2 Comparison between large
scales composting with small scale composting
When large-scale composting
has been studied, the results have been seen and the conclusions cannot always
be applicable to small-scale composting. Next, an experiment made by some
students of the Higher Technical School of Agronomists of the Public University
of Navarra will be explained.
Large-scale composting could be
compared to that of small scale to see the differences; In an experiment where
it is intended to compare this, two containers are used. The same type of agri-food waste was composted in tumbled piles of more
than 1300 tons and in the same time in 320 L plastic containers, usually used
for domestic composting. The evolution of temperature, humidity and weight
reduction was monitored throughout the first 18 weeks of the composting
process. In both cases, 5 monthly turns were made and then every 2 months.
After 295 days of processing, the weight and volume reductions were calculated
with respect to the initial material contributed. Storino et al.(2014)
Over time the temperature varied greatly depending on the treatment. The maximum temperature was higher than 60ºC, which was very similar in the two compostages.
The first is the thermophilic one that with the hard
composting only the first 15 days, in the large-scale composting hard until the
first 125 days, therefore, the average temperature was higher and this is due
to a lower dissipation of heat and a greater thermal inertia.
Small-scale composting
required 7 additional watering due to higher losses and greater aeration
(Figure 2). And in the large-scale composting, only one irrigation was
necessary in the 295 days of the process. Storino et al.(2014)
Figure 2: Evolution of humidity during composting processes.
Small-scale composting showed
a lower pH and also a lower specific weight, and in the large-scale composting
it had a lower degree of maturity, being able to see remains of straw without
decomposing (Figure 3). Storino et al.(2014)
Figure 3: Small-scale
composting (left) and large-scale composting (right) at the 4th month of the
With the results seen in the
4th month, it is observed how the small scale composting has a greater
intensity in the process, due to this factor I present a greater weight
reduction during the 295 days, and a lower C / N ratio. The final values of
the parameters after 295 days (Figure 4) of processing were similar in the two
compostages. Storino et al.(2014)
Figure 4: Reduction of mass
during the composting processes at the domestic and industrial levels
The experiment is summarized
in that the two composting reached very similar temperatures, the only thing
that in the small scale composting the duration of the thermophilic phase was
shorter, first 15 days. And with regard to maturation, they observed that in
large-scale composting maturation was lower during the whole process until the
seventh month that the values became similar. And also as previously
observed, small-scale composting has a greater capacity to reduce the weight of
composted materials.
With all these results and
observations it is concluded that on a small scale the degradation and
decomposition process was more intense in the early stages of composting,
regardless of the average temperatures observed. Storino et al.(2014)
In conclusion, we would see that, although the two
processes reached similar temperatures, the duration of the thermophilic phase
in large-scale composting lasted much longer and also that there was less
ripening and a lower humidity of the Organic matter and had similar values in
the composting of smaller scale (domestic) in the seventh month.
And with all this we could summarize that the process
of degradation and decomposition in small scale composting was more intense in
the first stages regardless of temperatures.
- Friend, M, H Johnson, and A Smith. 2018. ‘The Science of Composting - Composting for the Homeowner - University of Illinois Extension’. (November 3, 2018).
- Barrena R., Font X., Gabarrell X., Sánchez A., 2014. Home composting versus industrial composting: Influence of composting system on compost quality with focus on compost stability. Waste Management (November 2,2018).
- Li, Yangyang, Ashish Manandhar, Guoxue Li, and Ajay Shah. 2018. ‘Life Cycle Assessment of Integrated Solid State Anaerobic Digestion and Composting for On-Farm Organic Residues Treatment’. Waste Management 76: 294–305. (November 2, 2018).
- Composting - Cornell Waste Management Institute’. (November 2, 2018).
Cora Garcia, Mireia Diez, Anna Oriol, Aida Pelegrin.
El treball està ben enfocat, tot i que caldria explicar millor què és el compostatge a gran escala. Per exemple, a l’inici de l’apartat on parleu de compostatge a petita i gran escala, la frase “One of 320L for composting on a small scale and one off 1300t”, no s’entén. La “t” a què fa referència?. Caldria que la comparació entre els dos processos fos més gràfica i entenedora. Si voleu podeu incloure una taula comparativa entre compostatge a gran escala i a petita escala. Heu de definir els acrònims com ”CWMI”. “Sow bugs” s’escriu junt, reviseu gramàtica.
ResponderEliminarQueda clar en el treball que el compostatge és una tècnica que es pot aplicar a cada llar a partir dels residus orgànics que genera, però seria interessant explicar com si es fa nivell de municipi (a gran escala) o a nivell d’indústria, quins residus es tracten en aquest cas?. Caldria que citeu grups de microorganismes implicats en el procés de compostatge de forma més concreta i no citar únicament els metabolismes o les adaptacions a la temperatura (aerobis, anaerobis, psicròfils, termòfils...) i explicar alhora en quines transformacions de la matèria orgànica estan implicats durant diferents fases del procés. Podeu mostrar-ho en forma de figures. També seria interessant mostrar com l’oxigen, el pH, la temperatura, el potencial redox o altres variables ambientals canvien al llarg del procés de compostatge, és a dir, des de l’inici al final. Ja parleu de canvis de temperatura, però cal fer-ho de forma més gràfica i relacionant-ho directament amb els grups de microorganismes i la seva activitat.