Potential and limitations of plastic-eating microbes
Plastic is all over us. Probably you can touch
some objects made of it just extending your hand from where you are. We use it in
a daily basis and we couldn’t imagine a life without plastic since it can be
found in a wide variety of products: synthetic textiles, packages, construction
materials, toys, pipes, wires or cell phones, and those cases are just examples
of an endless list.
This proliferation of plastic products, since
its introduction on the market at the beginning of the XX century, is mainly
due to three characteristics of the material: it has a low cost, it is easy to shape,
and it is very resistant. So resistant that it can last for hundreds of
years. Paradoxically, the valuable
quality of resistance has become a threat for ecosystems all over the world,
mainly the marine ones, due to its accumulation (Vegter et al, 2014).
This major environmental issue has gradually
gained global concern through the past decades and some solutions have been
proposed in order to degrade the plastic compounds, such as thermal degradation
(Misckolczi et al, 2004), catalytic degradation (Akpanudoh, N. 2005), and biodegradation
(Masayuki, 2001). The development of biodegradation technics has been limited
because of the lack of efficient polymer microbial biodegradation (Shah, A
2008). Lately, some crucial scientific events have changed the situation,
mainly related to the research of more efficient microorganisms and the
improvement of its enzymes.
The aim of this article is to introduce the
lector to the current research situation on the plastic-eating microbes, and
its potential applications on waste management.
Research of organisms capable of plastic
degradation comes out from the premise that they are composed by carbon
polymers, and some organisms could have adapt to use this new carbon sources by
developing enzymes capable of degrade this molecules (Whitney, 1991).
For doing so, some research groups had
collected samples from garbage dumps and other places with high presence of
plastic, where having the ability of feeding from the plastic could be an
evolutionary advantage.
A variety of microorganisms have been described
so far, including some fungi, but in general, they have very low degradation
rates (Table 1). Nevertheless, Yoshida
et. al. isolated a new microorganism (Ideonella
sakaiensis) that mainly feeds from poly(ethylene terephthalate) also known
as PET, and has renewed the interest in bioremediation of plastic waste.
Table 1: Representation of the different PET
degrading microorganisms.
Ideonella sakaiensis
Bacteria (Prokaryote)
Aerobic (Gram-negative)
.(Shosuke et al., 2016)
Nocardia sp.
aerobic (Gram-positive).
bacteria degrade 2% of the sample (1 cm2) in 200 days.(Chetna & Madhuri, 2013)
Bacillus subtilis
Bacteria (Prokaryote)
Strict aerobic
Very slow (slower than Nocardia).(Asmae, Noureddine, Moulay, Saâd
Ibnsouda, & Fahim, 2015)
Penicillium funiculosum
It degrades a 40% PET composed and 60%
Bionolle composed. (Nowak, Paja̧K, Labuzek, Rymarz, & Talik, 2011)
Nocardia sp. was cultivated on different cultivation media with PET as the only carbon source, and the best degradation rate was about 2% of the sample (1cm2) in 200 days (Chetna & Madhuri, 2013), so Nocardia would spend more than 27 years to degrade the complete PET sample. This degradation rate is extremely low. Bacillus subtilis has also shown weak PET degradation activity using infrared spectroscopy (Asmae et al., 2015).
On the other hand, Penicillum funiculosum has been reported to have good PET
biodegrading rates if it is combined with another aliphatic polyester called
Bionolle®. Bionolle® is an easy biodegradable plastic, and combined with PET
(40% PET 60% Bionolle®) the fungi can
completely degrade it in 84 days (Nowak et al.,
As I.
sakaiensis is the main focus microorganism on this research line we will
put our attention on it. There are two facts revealed on the I. sakaiensis studies that set an
inflexion point on the plastic biodegradability research:
- The conditions in which I. sakaiensis could consume PET were not difficult to reproduce at all. In fact, the bacteria culture where the reaction was identified for the first time was a warm bottle with plastic and some essential nutrients.
- The team that identified I. sakaiensis for the first time could identify the main enzyme that causes the PET degradation. Furthermore, they could also find the gene in the bacteria’s DNA that transcripts for the PET-digesting enzymes and manufacture them. The manufactured enzymes were made with the porpoise of demonstrating that the enzymes could digest PET alone, and they did.
Figure 1: Scheme of the enzymatic
degradation of PET using the two enzymes that I. Sakaiensis present. Source: www.sciencemag.org
Teams from Korea, China, UK, US and Brazil have
developed an informatics model of the PETase structure, showing the reaction
mechanisms with a high accuracy level. Some of them have also detailed some
small structural changes that improve its efficiency. The structure model shows
that the protein has a tailor in order to bind PET surfaces (S. Joo et al,
2018, X. Hans et al, 2017, H. Austin et al, 2018).
However, using the PETase enzymes in a plastic
digestion bioreactor is not efficient as semi-crystalline structures used in
common plastic products are very difficult to break. On this way, PET
semi-crystalline structure breaks into amorph structure at 70º C, what then
lets the enzyme penetrate better into the material and increase its degradation
efficiency.(Wei &
Zimmermann, 2017).
These new achievements and this better
acknowledge of the PET degradation shed a bit of light in the plastic waste
issue, and although it’s just the beginning they are some relevant advances and
new lines of research that are driving the research.
Currently the PET degradation process is very
slow and it’s far from being applicable on a large scale, because of the low
efficiency of the metabolic process. There are new studies centered in
obtaining genetically modified strains that have a more efficient process of
the metabolism, specifically enhancing the activity of the enzyme PETase. For
instance, wild-type PETase has been reported to have a degradation rate of 8.2 mg per μmol·L−1 PETase per day, whereas three variants of the
enzyme, R61A, L88F and I179F have been improved to reach rates of 13.5, 17.5
and 22.5 mg per μmol·L−1 PETase per day, respectively (Ma Y, 2018). The
comparison of PET degradation rates between variants of the enzyme can be seen
on the Figure 2.
Figure 2: Weight-loss rate of PET plastic with PETase and its variants.
Source: Enhanced Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Hydrolase Activity by Protein
Another limitation of PET biodegradation is
that its semi-crystalline structure makes all the molecules very compacted
between them in a way that it is very difficult for the organisms to access and
degrade these molecules (Sivan, A. 2011). To improve this, some researchers use
the enzyme PETase alone, so it can penetrate more efficiently on the PET
structure and in addition is no longer needed to ad nutrients and to wait for
the bacteria to grow (Seo, H. 2018).
biodegradation is still in developing stage and it is not ready to be applied
as a bioremediation for environmental issues due to the evident limitations. The
low degradation rate of the PETase shows that there are plenty of improvements
to do in the protein engineering field. Another limitation for the use of this
technology outside of a reactor is that the most efficient microorganisms are
genetically modified, so they cannot be released to nature. The enzymes must be
supplied every time as they get damaged or diluted. Finally, there is an
increasing concern about the problems that plastic degradation microorganisms
can cause to plastic structures.
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El treball està ben enfocat. Calen imatges per il.lustrar els continguts del treball que puguin ser difícils d’entendre. Compte amb les faltes “methabolic”, “equillibrium”, “enzimes”... Parleu només d’un microorganisme, que us hi referiu com a Idonella o Ideonella, és el mateix?. Caldria que citéssiu altres espècies descrites amb capacitat de metabolitzar plàstics ja que dieu que n’hi ha més. Hi ha fongs descrits amb aquesta capacitat?. Podeu fer una taula comparativa amb les espècies descrites, si són procariotes o eucariotes, aerobis, anaerobis, tipus de substrats que fan servir, etc... Quan parleu dels microorganismes modificats genèticament caldria que fóssiu més concrets i que referencieu les cites. Les limitacions que citeu en relació caldria també que les argumentéssiu millor. Per exemple, dieu que la biodegradació dels plàstics és lenta, però no concreteu. Què vol dir exactament?. Quina és la taxa de biodegradació del PET?
ResponderEliminarAccording to the text and if I have not misunderstood, the biggest problem about the use of microorganisms as agents responsible for degrading PET plastic is the low rate of degradation they present. Therefore, how is there a growing concern about the problems that these plastic-eating microorganisms can cause to plastic structures? What kind of structures do you refer to?
Ander Congil
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarHi Ander, thanks for your interest.
EliminarIndeed the main limitation of this microorganisms is their low degradation rate of plastic. As biodegradation of plastic could be a great solution to a number of environmental problems, many laboratories are working in improving this degradation rates, making this bacteria more efficient.
Here is why the concerns about this improved bacteria is on the rise: if this modifyied bacteria with higher degradation rates happen to proliferate out of the laboratory, they could degrade plastic that it is still useful. In this post we talk about "plastic structures" because there is a wide range of things made of plastic that we don't want to be degradable during its useful life, but some examples could be textiles (like the seat belts of many cars, best enjoyed if they are not being degradated), materials of construction, utensiles, and many more items that its utility would be much shorter if they suddenly became easily degradable.
Hope this helped!
Merry Christmas,
Lluc Rehues
ResponderEliminarIn your article you say that the decomposing of plastic-eating microbes and its modified enzymes have low yield. However, methods such as recycling or reuse have proven very efficient with this type of plastics. Why do you consider it necessary to continue investigating in this regard while other methods are cheaper and simpler?
Do you think that these microorganisms could be used as bioremediation in situ for the Great Pacific garbage patch?
Hi Lukas, thanks for your interest.
EliminarNowadays recycling or reusing PET and other types of plastic is more efficient than degradating it, but we are just on the way to reach high efficiencies. We live on a world saturated of plastic so if we combine the degradation and the recycling we can reduse this great amount of plastic.
Yes, it could be possible with a better degradation taxa, but the most important degradation in the great pacific garbage patch nowadays is the abiotic one, such as UV radiation, temperature or oxygen, which produce microplastic, that are affecting seriously the marine ecosystems.
Merry Christmas
Roger Pallàs Piqué
ResponderEliminarAs you say the proliferation of this type of bacterium is a problem because it also degrades useful plastic if it has.
Is there any way genetically speaking of being able to control the maximum amount of bacterial degradation and control its proliferation?
Hi Jonathan, thanks for your comment!
EliminarAs we said at this post, plastic-eating bacteria have very low degradation rates for now, so some research groups are working to make its enzimes more efficient, modifying it genetically. So here comes the problem: we want this bacteria to be more efficient, but we don't want them to be all over the place and degradate useful plastics. So the current aproach in modifying genetically this organisms is to enhance its plastic degradation activity, and then, control its proliferation by locating this process into isolated structures, as tanks or controlled digestors.
Hope this helped, thanks for your interest!
Lluc Rehues